I continue to push for zoning and planning issues to be made at the local level.

  • Local control over land use decisions allows communities to tailor development to their unique needs, character, and priorities.
  • Local control encourages greater participation from residents in decision-making processes. When development decisions are made locally, community members have more opportunities to voice their opinions and concerns.
  • Different communities have different needs and goals. Local control allows for more flexibility in zoning and planning regulations, enabling communities to adapt to changing circumstances without being constrained by uniform state mandates.
  • Local governments are typically more attuned to the specific challenges and opportunities facing their communities. They can respond more quickly and effectively to local issues such as traffic congestion, housing affordability, and infrastructure needs.
  • Local control can spur economic development by allowing communities to tailor zoning regulations to attract businesses, encourage investment, and promote job creation in industries that align with local priorities and strengths.

While advocating for local control, it's also important to ensure that there are mechanisms in place for coordination and collaboration between neighboring communities and regional entities to address shared challenges. Finding the right balance between local autonomy and regional cooperation can help maximize the benefits.